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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

ONCE UPON A TIME...................... Take a Step Back in Time

There was a beautiful lake surrounded by forests and farms...
Can you picture it?

Round Lake, New York originated as a Methodist Camp with its first meeting held outdoors in 1868. The serman drew 8,000 people. A make shift village formed. Tents were set up and the town of Round Lake was created. The first cottages were built in 1869. According to the book called Round Lake Little Village in the Grove by Mary Hesson, David J. Rogowski, and Marianne Comfort "By the late 1800's, Round Lake had developed into an educational and cultural center as well as a devout religious community"

Round Lake is a unique, picturesque town with a victorian charm. Its charming buildings and homes line the streets and it feels like you have stepped back in time..................

The Round Lake Auditorium is home to a 1,900 pipe organ, the oldest unchanged organ in the U.S.

A former hotel and now a boarding/apartment house in Round Lake, New York

    A view from Town

A Round Lake home with victorian charm

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